Work Safe BC Public Hearing June 2022
WorkSafeBC undertakes extensive public consultation on regulation and policy issues. WorkSafeBC is required to hold a public hearing before changes can be made to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (the Regulation). In many cases, WorkSafeBC’s OHS Regulatory Development process includes additional public consultation prior to public hearings to provide stakeholders with at least two opportunities to comment on the proposed changes.
Proposed policy amendments regarding industry group movement consulation deadline June 3, 2022.
The virtual public hearing will be streamed live on June 21, 2022, in two sessions. The first will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the second from 3 to 5 p.m.
Further information on how to view the virtual public hearing will be provided on the WorkSafeBC website.
Participating in the public hearing process
WorkSafeBC welcomes your feedback on the proposed amendments. All feedback received will be presented to WorkSafeBC’s Board of Directors for their consideration.
You can provide feedback in the following ways:
Submit feedback online or by email
Written submissions can be made online until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 24, 2022, via worksafebc.com or by email to ohsregfeedback@worksafebc.com.
Register to speak at the hearing by phone
To register, call 604.232.7744 or toll-free in B.C. at 1.866.614.7744. Each organization or individual will be permitted to make one presentation.
More information on the proposed amendments and how to participate in the virtual public hearing can be found on worksafebc.com.

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Work Safe BC Public Hearing June 2022
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