CCO Workshop 2022
The CCO Workshop is a one-day conference where the goal is to facilitate open and transparent conversation between all parties in the construction industry.
This year SICA was playing a bit of catch-up after COVID-19 so we had back-to-back events. This did not come without its share of a little bit of scramble and a whole lot of patience. We would like to extend a warm-felt thank you to everyone that attended and presented. We appreciate your time and the attention you availed to keep abreast of everything that is taking place in the Construction Industry.
The Keynote presentations this year were all about Change. Mark Devolder and Edward Olson had the audience captivated as they spoke on the topic of "Navigating Change and Uncertainty" and "Analyzing Risks Trends in 2022 and beyond". We believe many people walked away with new ideas about what is happening in the construction industry now and how we can work together to build a better future. It is time to work together for a stronger more resilient future for the companies looking to grapple with supply chain, logistics, and employee retention or recruitment.
The Building Resilience Panel included representatives from The City of Kelowna, the Insurance industry, Consultants, and Contractors. Assisting Construction companies in understanding the demands and challenges of each sector. Some of the topics were direct for CCA, BCCA, Legal Updates, and of course an open forum for Construction Rants. This year we had two Breakout Sessions - without being able to come together for two years we felt that there were many beneficial topics that needed addressing.
Risk and Contingency
Contingencies are downside risk estimates that make allowance for the unknown risks associated with a project. How do we manage them?
What is happening to assist safety on construction sites?
Social Procurement
Social procurement is a growing best practice that aligns procurement spending to provide added value and community benefits. What may best practice in helping build a more resilient and more inclusive Province?
CCDC 2022 Update
The CCDC 2 (2020) includes numerous changes to payment terms and the release of holdback, most of which help align these contracts with prompt payment schemes. BCDC has updated and added new Standard Documents and Guidelines for a Stipulated Price Bid for use on Publicly Funded Building Projects in the Province of British Columbia
MMCD 2019 Update
This edition contains all content from our previous MMCD Platinum Vol. II, plus new updates, amendments, and a host of new detailed images to help clients understand, address and solve problems.
Fostering Employee Engagement
Navigating the “Great Resignation” & Fostering Employee Engagement. Take a progressive and innovative approach to people and culture; your organization’s greatest resource
The Contractor, Consultant, Owner (CCO) Workshop was a great success but we would like to hear from you to make it even better next year. SICA is always actively listening to our Members on what they think will best support them. TAKE THE SURVEY HERE
A Special Thank you to our Sponsors, without your continued support events like this would not be possible.

BC Government Releases Standardized Housing Designs

BCCA Industry Alert

WorkSafeBC Press Release

SICA Golf Tournament June 7th 2024

Unlocking Efficiency and Innovation: The Power of Building Information Modelling (BIM)

SICA Contractor's Breakfast 2024

BC Budget 2024

Revolutionizing Canada's Construction Industry: The Federal Prompt Payment Legislation

Young Builders Launch Party Wrap Up

CCO Workshop 2024

Membership Appreciation Evening Wrap Up 2023

CCA Hill Day 2023

EBT Flu Clinic Dates

SICA Golf Tournament September 2023

Long Term Members 2022/2023
Trap & Skeet 2023 Wrap-up

SICA Golf Tournament June 23rd 2023

Industry Awards of Excellence

BC Land Title & Survey Online Filing Process

Join the Virtual Webinar
The SICA September Golf Tournament was a hit!

Farewell to our Education Admin and Hello to our new SICA staff 2022

CCO Workshop 2022
MOTI and Infrastructure BC Seeking Interest From Qualified Firms For BC Highway Reinstatement Program RFQ

Prompt Payment Included in ‘Report on the Budget 2022 Consultation’

Regional Construction Associations Partner with BCCA Employee Benefit Trust to Provide Flu Shots for Industry

B.C. associations call on province to practice fair, transparent procurement

SICA announces 2020/2021 Industry Awards of Excellence Finalists

2021 Annual Report

Kelowna Crane Incident Legacy Education Fund

Brooklyn Site Crane Accident Statement

Construction Fast Lanes for COVID-19 Vaccine

Every Child Matters - Indigenous History Month
Latest Construction Industry Statistics Reveal Strength Despite Pandemic Challenges
BCCA Response to BC Budget 2021
CCA Responds to 2021 Federal Budget

Construction Month 2021

BuildForce Canada releases annual 10-year forecast

SICA training courses prove practical and meaningful to students

2021 Gold Seal Program Changes

Building Forward: Virtual Conference 2021

Nomination Period Opens for SICA’s Industry Awards of Excellence

Meet SICA's 2020 New Board Members

SICA's 2020 Annual Report

COVID-19 Update
Membership Benefits
As a Member you are a part of a collective voice, the SICA voice. Together, our voice is changing the construction community and helping your business grow through advocacy, networking events, affinity programs, direct business leads and more. Our voices promotes fairness, transparency and open communication in the construction industry. Join SICA to grow your business today and be a voice for our industry tomorrow.