MOTI and Infrastructure BC Seeking Interest From Qualified Firms For BC Highway Reinstatement Program RFQ
On Novem ber 14 & 15 an extreme weather event damaged anumber of major highways in BC
• Highways 1 (Fraser Valley, Hope to Spences Bridge and Malahat), 5 and 8 had the most severe damage
• MOTI has been prioritizing emergency response and assessment
• Working with many partners to undertake emergency repairs and re-open roads/provide access where safe/possible
• Lidar underway to identify changes in slope stability and as a basis for survey going forward
• Assessments of all structures
• MOTI has also been working with IBC and TI Corp to develop an expedited procurement process to select partners to rebuild certain highway infrastructure
Program Scope: Two main categories of projects in the Program
• Category A: $20 to $50 million
• Category B: >$50 million (major projects)
• Projects < $20 million are generally not expected to be part of the Program .
• These are expected to be dealt with with in existing MOTI arrangements, how ever MOTI will reserve the right to include such projects in the Program
The Program focus is only on highway reinstatement projects
• Two RFQs
• Construction Services
• 3 possible highway corridors
• 2 categories of projects based on expected capital cost
• Engineering and Design Services
• 3 possible highway corridors
• Create two Lists of prequalified parties that can assist with highway reinstatement projects
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) recognizes that some construction firms may not be able to qualify for the List or may not be successful in obtaining a contract with MOTI based on their relevant experience or lower values of their Nominated Projects.
These construction firms may be able to contribute to the successful completion of Projects within the Reinstatement Program as subcontractors. MOTI will be encouraging the firms that do obtain contracts with MOTI for Projects within the Reinstatement Program to consider how subcontractors can be involved.
To support this initiative after the RFP phase of Projects has completed, MOTI will coordinate a meeting with businesses that may be able to provide subcontracting services. MOTI intends to coordinate this meeting with the BC Road Builder and Heavy Construction Association and/or the Southern Interior Construction Association
As of December 1, MOTI is not able to provide a list of specific Projects within the Program or when they will be coming to market

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MOTI and Infrastructure BC Seeking Interest From Qualified Firms For BC Highway Reinstatement Program RFQ

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