All Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) members MUST receive eight hours of training annually.
Effective July 1, 2024 this course will be delivered by SafetyBC an Approved Training Provider for both SICA and Energy Safety Canada (ESC). Upon registration you will be directed to the SafetyBC website to register.
Joint committees play a key role in overall workplace health and safety, and can assist the employer with reducing workplace injuries and diseases.
The Workers Compensation Act requires employers to establish a joint health and safety committee in any workplace that regularly employs 20 or more workers (full and part time).
This instructor-led, live and online course provides you with the education required to meet the eight (8) hours of mandatory training.
Course Content:
- The duties and functions of a joint committee
- The rules of procedure of the joint committee
- The requirements around conducting incident investigations
- The requirements around conducting regular workplace inspections, and how to make regular inspections
- The requirements around responding to a refusal of unsafe work
- The requirements for annually evaluating the joint committee
REGISTER 3 or more and SAVE $50 each!!!
Course Credits: